Three Ways to Travel Cheaply

4 minute read

My favorite stories that people tell me are about the strategies that they use to travel cheaply and the experiences that they’re able to enjoy by doing so. I love traveling but, as we all know, I don’t love spending money. However, I’m more apt to spend money on a trip than on most material things. Even so, I still don’t want to pay more than I have to. I’ve recently been able to speak with four people who frequently travel cheaply and I wanted to share a little bit about how they do so and what I’ve learned from them. Read More

Want to Travel the World for 10 Months? Live Below Your Means

2 minute read

I love hearing stories from people who have been able to fulfill their dreams by being financially wise and living below their means. Last week, I spoke to a gentleman at the gym who told me a story about something that he and his wife did that I thought was amazing. The reason that they were able to accomplish such an awesome goal is simple – they live below their means. Read More


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