Certifiably Financial 2nd Anniversary

2 minute read

Two years ago on June 11, 2018, I was finally at a point where I felt comfortable sharing this blog on my social media channels. My natural tendency is to be a perfectionist so I wanted to wait until I learned everything about how to create a website. I wanted to make sure that it actually looked good before sharing it with the world.

Hindsight is 20/20. It was difficult to learn as much as I wanted to so that I could make the website look how I wanted. Looking back, it wasn’t very pretty when I got done. I wish I had a screenshot of the original iteration to compare back to.

Since then I’ve learned to be better at not letting perfect ruin good.

The reason I created this blog wasn’t to have a beautiful website. It was to help educate people on personal finance topics. If you’re reading this, then I hope that I’ve been able to share something that’s helped you and/or made you look at things differently. In addition to helping others learn about personal finance I also like to challenge the way that you think and make you see things in a manner that you may not have otherwise considered.

I really appreciate anyone who takes the time out of their busy life to read what I have to write. There’s so much information out there from others who are much better writers than I am. I understand that your attention is pulled a million different ways and I’m thankful for you dedicating part of it to what I have to share. I sincerely hope that it has been worthwhile.

Another reason I started this blog was to challenge myself. Remaining consistent over the past two years has helped me to learn more about personal finance and how I can help others.

I’ve had to become more clear about my ideas (and re-formulate my existing thoughts at times) and be able to communicate them effectively and in a manner that’s useful to the end consumer. I’ve learned new things and I’ve changed some of my beliefs.

Writing this blog has probably been more beneficial to me than anyone who reads it and I hope to continue learning and educating myself and becoming a better resource to help others with their personal finances.

Here are the 5 most popular blog posts that I’ve written over the past year:

  1. COVID-19 Financial Resources
  2. The Coronavirus And Your Money
  3. Health Insurance 2019
  4. Money Meeting
  5. Thankful 2019


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