How discipline makes reaching my goals easier

< 1 minute read

A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend, Amanda, told me that she sometimes thinks I’m a boot camp drill sergeant because she was at the gym early in the morning and I told her it was good for her.

Most days, I get out of bed by 4:35 AM and get to the gym by 5:10 AM. It’s the best way I know to start my day.

Not only am I starting my day with an act of discipline and eliminating excuses for not going after work, but I’m also getting in exercise which actually wakes me up and energizes me for the day. On the days that I don’t wake up and go to the gym I’m noticeably more tired.

This is kind of parallel to my financial life. Where I like to start my day with prioritizing exercise, I also prioritize my savings over my spending to make sure that I’m successful at meeting my goals.

This can be as easy as having part of your paycheck contributed to a 401(k) or 403(b) or setting up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account each pay day.

Make it as easy on yourself as possible to reach your goals.


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