Saving Money While Traveling: Airfare

< 1 minute read

Amanda and I love to travel but I don’t love the costs associated with paying for it. We’re very blessed that Amanda has great employment benefits which alleviate some travel costs, but we still take measures to ensure that we don’t spend more than we have to.

I started researching flights months in advance of our departure date to make sure that we would get a good deal. This is where we were able to save the most money. Here’s how much I was able to save:

Day before I bought: $443 more expensive

Day I bought the flight

Day after I bought the flight: $577 more expensive

We also do other things to save money such as research rental car rates and pack snacks to take with us to the airport (have you seen the price of a banana at the airport compared to a grocery store?).

Any other tips for saving money while traveling?


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