Thankful 2020

< 1 minute read

Thanksgiving is a holiday that we set aside to celebrate our blessings and what we’re thankful for, but I think that we should do this every day.

2020 has been a hard year for many. Those of us who have not been negatively impacted by everything that has happened so far this year should be extra thankful for that. I also think that we should consider how others have been affected and how we can help them.

I start every day by thinking about everything that I have to be thankful for. I’d recommend it as it’s a great way to start the day and keep things in perspective.

Here’s just a short list of some of the things that I have to be thankful for: my wife, friends, family, health, safety, privilege, freedom, a roof over my head, a safe and affordable place to live, a comfortable bed, warm blankets, electricity, heating/cooling, clean water/running water/indoor plumbing, clothes, food in the kitchen, my job, my income, my ability to work from home, our vehicles. There are so many other things as well.

All of these things are something that someone else isn’t fortunate enough to have.

We live in a country where the majority of people have credit card debt which is often accrued by buying wants and wishes rather than needs. Unfortunately, the holidays are when a lot of that debt is accumulated and/or added to.

Take some time to think about all the “stuff” that you have as well as all of the opportunities that are available to you that most of the world will never see or experience. Make being thankful a part of your daily routine, if you’d like. I think you’ll find it beneficial if you do.


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