Why do people often give up on their New Year’s Resolutions?

< 1 minute read

This was the selfish, vain goal that I accomplished in 2017.

If you’re a dedicated gym-goer, then you know that the gym will be packed these next few weeks with people who are working on their New Year’s Resolutions. Those people who have taken over YOUR dedicated squat rack to do bicep curls and some sort of weird jumping jack thing. Yeah, that guy.

But, they’re facing their fears and trying to better themselves. Unfortunately, it won’t last for long because by the end of the month you’ll never see most of these people again.

One reason why I think people don’t remain dedicated to their goals is because they don’t have good ways to track and monitor their progress. And without good ways to track progress, they don’t take the time to look back and compare where they are to where they started. If you’re feeling down on yourself and like you want to give up on your goals, you should look at the progress you’ve made. Set small goals and build upon them towards your end goal.

Drew’s Methods:

Fitness: I use spreadsheets to track increases in strength, body weight and fat, and diet. I also take progress pictures at least 1 Monday per month for comparison.

Personal Finances: I use spreadsheets to track my budget, net worth, and progress towards my savings goals. I also use Every Dollar for budgeting.

Faith: I have the Bible app installed on my phone and I read the verse of the day before I leave home. I also have the  itown Church app, but I’ve admittedly neglected the Daily Devotional recently.


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