Why should I create a budget?

< 1 minute read

I think that many people inherently see a budget as being restrictive and dreadful. That’s not the way that I see a budget and that’s not the way that I think you should see it.

I see a budget as being intentional with your money. It’s a way to tell your money what to do and make sure that it works for you in the ways that you need and want it to rather than letting your spending habits control you. I think that a lot of people would be surprised at how much of their hard-earned money goes towards things that they don’t really value that much.

Money is a tool that can be used to do great things if you want it to. A budget is a way to control that tool.

Is it easy to create a budget? No.

Will you become frustrated when you first begin creating a budget? Probably.

The point isn’t to be perfect. Every month of your budget may be different and you never know what unexpected expenses may come up from time to time. Creating a budget and prioritizing savings goals allows you to see how much money you have left over to spend on things like rent/mortgage, utilities, food, clothes, entertainment, etc.


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