Getting Back on Track

3 minute read

I’m going to go ahead and take a wild guess that you may have gone off the deep end over Thanksgiving. Let’s be real, Thanksgiving food is the best food and it’s so hard to resist, even when you feel like you can’t eat another bite. And, if you’re like me, then you went off the deep end multiple times at multiple Thanksgiving dinners. When things like this happen, we sometimes just feel like giving up on our diets completely. We feel like we’ve already blown it so we might as well just keep eating like crap, right? But that only makes the situation worse. What we actually need to do is realize that eating more than we should have over Thanksgiving is just a short-term mistake that likely doesn’t have a significant impact when we view our diets in the long term. Read More

Black Friday

3 minute read

It’s the time of year where we rush to stores to buy the latest gadgets on sale, save a few dollars, and act like untamed animals which inevitably results in multiple news stories about awful things that people have done to others to make sure they got the deal they were looking for. All for something that we’ll probably forget about in a year or two, if not sooner. There’s plenty of evidence showing that experiences provide much more happiness than material things. However, most Black Friday deals revolve around getting a good deal on a “thing” rather than an experience. Read More


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