Why You Should Use A Young Financial Planner

4 minute read

Age is just a number, right? That’s what they say, at least, but young people who are early in their careers sometimes are looked down upon or seen as inexperienced simply because of their age. However, age doesn’t reflect competency, and sometimes it doesn’t necessarily reflect experience. There are many benefits to working with a young financial planner rather than an older one. Read More

Why Young Professionals Need A Financial Planner

5 minute read

You just graduated college and you want to have some fun and enjoy your new income. You just got married and you don’t want the stress of talking about how to combine your finances. You just had a kid and you don’t think you have the time figure it out. You don’t have enough money to work with a financial planner. There are so many excuses that young professionals make to avoid becoming financially responsible at an early stage in their careers, but you shouldn’t wait until your 30s or 40s or 50s to take responsibility and start being intentional about your financial life. Time is the biggest asset that young people have on their sides. Read More

Do You Know The Differences Between a Financial Planner and a Financial Salesperson?

4 minute read

I’m a financial planner, but that may not mean what you think. Typically, when I tell people that I’m a financial planner the idea that they have in their mind is that I buy and sell stocks and bonds for their investment portfolio. If that’s not what they think, then they think that I have some product to sell them. Although the company that I work for, Market Street Wealth Management Advisors, does manage clients’ investment portfolios, neither of those things is what I do. Unfortunately, the terms “financial planner”, “financial advisor”, “investment advisor”, or any other iteration, are not protected and clearly defined so that the public actually understands what they mean and their differences. Read More


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