7 Lessons from 7 Years as a Financial Planner

6 minute read

It’s been 76 days since I published my last blog post on Certifiably Financial. This is by far the longest amount of time between posts since I first shared the blog with the world on June 11, 2018. I used to have ideas of what I should write about all the time, but I’ve been experiencing writer’s block this year. That, coupled with not prioritizing time for writing and making a habit to do it even when I don’t want to, don’t have an idea, or don’t feel like I have enough time, has led to me slacking. Read More

6 Lessons from My First 6 Years

7 minute read

My first day working in a financial planning firm was Monday, May 12, 2014. That was the first day of my internship with the firm that I still work at today 6 years later. I was just like most other people going into college. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I thought I wanted to major in business. I went through my first two years of college taking classes and narrowing down my interests until I came down to operations and supply chain management and finance. Read More

Repost: Work Together

5 minute read

In March of this year I wrote an article titled Work Together which speaks about how married couples can optimize their financial lives through combining their personal finances. As I think about and prepare for my wedding this weekend, this is the topic that continues to come to the top of my mind to write about. Not only that, but one of my favorite podcasts published an episode around this topic as well. When I was gathering my ideas, I remembered that this is something I’ve written about before, but I didn’t realize how recently it had been. So, since this is top of mind for me this week, I thought I’d repost the article from March with some additional commentary. Read More

Professional Process

3 minute read

I was fortunate enough to attend a mergers and acquisitions (M&A) seminar this week with a client who is considering selling his business. The speaker described two different processes for selling a business: the way that most people do it, or the common process, and the professional process.  I think the professional process he described can be applied to many other areas of life than just selling a business. Read More

Outcome Vs Output

2 minute read

I don’t remember who it was now, but I recently saw a social media post from a fitness coach with a caption saying something along the lines of, “There is nothing I can do that will overcome what a client will not do.” This really resonated with me because it’s the exact same thing in financial planning. Read More

What Do You Do?

3 minute read

Last week and this week are full of me “giving back” to the community. Last Thursday, I attended an Indiana State University Financial Planning Advisory Board meeting where we answered students’ questions and had lunch with some of them, this Thursday I will be at Eminence Elementary School for 4th & 5th Grade Career Day where I believe other middle school and high school teachers may be expecting me to speak to their classes as well, and on Friday I will be participating in Student Day with the Financial Planning Association of Greater Indiana. I have a hard time calling these types of things “giving back”, but that’s what others call them so I’ll stick with it. Read More


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